We Were Trees

I felt the branches in my chest – as they grow around my heart, separating it from my feelings. Protecting it from the storms. Making the world see only the glimpse of me, hidden behind the intricate sculpture made of boughs. I knew they were there, roots of the trembling willows, of pale birches, spread under my skin like yggdrasil, pulsing with lifeblood in my veins. I grew leaves in my core, copper and crimson, like the setting sun, a touch of vermillion season, calm like a winter pond. They […]


With Faeries

With fairies, snow falls in he summer, leaves grow green in winter and night gleams with thousand of suns. With fairies, you bathe in flowers with metal thorns. They make deep cuts in your skin, and your smile grows wider with every touch of sharp edges. With fairies, you dance hundred of nights, while ladies in gossamer dresses circle you, their laughter bleeds like daggers. They are air you breathe and wine you drink – a cursed ponds filled with black water, in which you see your distorted reflection. They […]


Flickering Light

I was born with flickering light. A tiny lantern under my heart which blinked at the world around it. It attracted the will-o’-wisps and fireflies, the small flame dancing alongside them in mysterious rituals of foggy morns and rainy days. But the world outside the woods in which I was born was not tolerating tiny lights. They came with words and daggers. With oil and axes. And with water; water against the dancing flames. The flickering light was not ready for it. It started to flicker more often, disappearing slowly, […]
